Opportunities to Serve:
Donate Your Time:
- Are you looking for ways to impact children and their families in your community not currently attending a church?
- Are you a children's ministry teacher or worker looking for ways to be more effective?
- Would you like to know how to share the gospel with a child?
- Are you a children's ministry pastor looking for a way to provide training for your workers?
Give us a call or drop us an email. CEF is here to serve you, your family, and your church. We would love the opportunity to help equip you. YOU can make a difference! Volunteers are always needed!
Donate Your Finances:
It’s no secret that organizations and ministries are always in need of funds. Monetary donations will:
- Aid in the purchase of curriculum for our teachers to use in club
- Provide Gospel tracts to children
- Provide effective trainings for our teachers & volunteers
- Help scholarship teens to CYIA training
- Maintain operating and general expenses
All of the above costs help us continue to spread the Gospel throughout our area. We ask that you prayerfully consider your donation either as a one-time gift or as a monthly supporter. You are able to specify in the memo line if you would like to donate to our General Fund or if you would like to support our ministry staff – Director Ruth Hill or Ministry Coordinator Joanne Flaker. Click the donate button below to designate your gift!